Photo credit: Elias Cooper
NEKBC was founded in 2016 by a small group of motivated backcountry skiers in the area of Burke, VT. We are a chapter of the Catamount Trail Association and work closely with them to promote backcountry ski access across. Our area of focus is in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont where we have three ski zones in Sutton, East Haven and Kirby.
By supporting this group, you help us:
By supporting this group, you help us:
- Implement standardized practices pertinent to responsible development and management of backcountry terrain
- Provide and support community recreation access in the winter
- Legitimize the management and conservation of land for recreation directly supporting wildlife habitat and maintaining contiguous forest land
- Organize and motivate community volunteer efforts to maintain bc zones for many turns to come
NEKBC Officers:
Co-presidents - Maria Young and Wyatt Peterson
Treasurer - Cliff Pierce
Secretary - Susan Pierce
Communications - Wyatt Peterson | [email protected]
Co-presidents - Maria Young and Wyatt Peterson
Treasurer - Cliff Pierce
Secretary - Susan Pierce
Communications - Wyatt Peterson | [email protected]